Kinderarzt-Praxis 23558 Lübeck - Dr. Esther M. Nitsche - Kinderendokrinologie
Travel Medicin
We offer qualified travel medicine advice and travel vaccinations in our office. In order to provide optimal information, this service requires detailed information on the planned trip in writing (forms are provided by the staff, the required information comprises time, destination and duration of the trip, means of travel, type of accommodation) to prepare the consultation and an appointment.
Travel medicine is not generally covered by public insurance, they qualify as „individual health services". However some insurance companies have an additional contract with the registered doctors so vaccine can be prescribed at the cost of the insurance and the doctor gets paid by them too. Other companies may reimburse their clients for either / or vaccination, consultation, travel medicines such as malaria prophylaxis. It is advisable, that you contact your insurance company well in advance.
Usefull Links on the topic
www.fit-for-travel.de travel medicine information
www.crm.de center for travel medicine, travel medicine information
http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/diplo/de/Laenderinformationen/01-Laender/Gesundheitsdienst/Uebersicht.html Site of the ministery for foreign affairs on traveldestinations and safety.